Toast & Teatime Clubs
Uplands has provides both pre-school and after-school care.
Toast Club
Toast Club operates from 8 am until 8.40 am each morning. Children are provided with toast and a drink. This can be used as an opportunity to catch up on homework, read or just chat with friends. There is a £2.00 charge for each session. Parents should contact the school office if they wish to make use of this service.
Teatime Club
Teatime club operates from 3.15pm until 6 pm each day. Children are provided with snacks and drinks and are given a access to wide range of toys and activities. The current charges are £3.00 until 4.30 pm only, any time after this is charged at the full session rate of £8. Parents should contact the office if they wish to make use of this service.
Governors review charges annually.
Terms and Conditions
Children will need to be collected from the club by 6.00 p.m. If you are frequently late collecting your child, it may result in us withdrawing your child's place.
Please give us written or verbal details of who will be collecting your child other than yourself. It is against the law for your child to leave the club with someone who is unknown to us. Please telephone us prior to pick ups if an alternative person is collecting your child. We require the full name of the person who is picking up the child. A proof of I.D. may be required on request.
Own Toys / Property
We do not allow children to bring their own toys and handheld gaming devices. However, we will not claim responsibility of property that gets lost or stolen or damaged, by accident or by other children.
If any child's behaviour is unsettled and all attempts have been made to accommodate them have failed, we may have to remove them from club. Serious incidents of unacceptable behaviour, such as, rudeness or cheek to staff, racist remarks, bullying, swearing or personal injury to others, will lead to a suspension from the club and re-admittance will be considered by staff.
Toast: £2.00 per session
Teatime: £3.00 (3.15pm TO 4.30pm) if your child stays after 4.30 then full session will apply.
£8.00 full session (3.15pm to 6.00pm)
Payment should be made on the day that the child attends the club or in advance either weekly or termly. Please pay using the The Gateway App ONLY. NO CASH OR CHEQUES ARE ACCEPTED IN SCHOOL.
Arrears owed to the school will be chased using the schools approved Arrears Chasing Policy. This will include sending letters home, formal meetings with parents, revoking of facilities and referral to the Civic Centre for formal debt chasing procedures.