School Uniform
We request and appreciate the co-operation of parents in sending children to school in uniform.
Please click the link below to view our school uniform policy:
Our colours are bottle green, grey, black and white and the uniform is as follows:
School bottle green sweatshirt with or without school logo or
School bottle green jumper with or without school logo
School white or green polo shirt with or without school logo or
White or grey shirt
Grey or black trousers or grey/black shorts
School tie (if wearing a shirt)
Uplands’ fleeces and hoodies are also available but not compulsory (hoodies are to be worn on PE days only)
School bottle green sweatshirt or jumper with or without school logo or
School bottle green cardigan with or without school logo
School white/green polo shirt with or without school logo or white blouse
Grey skirt, grey or black trousers/culottes/long shorts or grey pinafore dress
Green gingham/striped dresses may be worn in the summer term
School tie (if wearing a shirt)
Uplands’ fleeces and hoodies are also available but not compulsory (hoodies are to be worn on PE days only)
PE Kit Expectations
Your child’s PE kit should consist of:
Green PE top with or without the school logo
Only PLAIN shorts/tracksuit/leggings in navy blue, black or dark grey (No large branded items please) or the Uplands School green tracksuit
An Uplands hoodie, fleece or school jumper (with or without school logo). No other brands of hoodie or fleece to be worn please
Trainers (Velcro or tie)
School uniform can be purchased from any high street stores but uniform with the school logo can be purchased from Lads & Lasses, Warstones Road, Penn. The school tie can be purchased from Lads & Lasses. Suitable formal footwear is most appropriate. Trainers should not be worn other than for PE.
All clothing and footwear should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
The school has a provision of pre-worn uniform that has been donated and then laundered. If you require any assistance with items of uniform please see a member of staff who will be happy to help you.
We will gratefully accept any donations of pre-worn uniform from families.
The following items of jewellery are permissible at Uplands:
earring studs in pierced ears - no hooped earrings please
watches may be worn
religious bangles
All items brought into school are at the child’s own risk and school cannot be responsible for any losses or breakages.
No jewellery whatsoever is allowed to be worn during PE: earrings must be taped over if they cannot be removed and school provides sweatbands for any religious item that cannot be removed.
Hair, Nails and Make-up
The school does not permit children to have ‘extreme’ haircuts or colours that could serve as a distraction to other children.
Nail varnish, acrylic nails and make up are not to be worn.
The school wants all children to grow into healthy adults. We believe that it is dangerous for children to wear shoes that have platform soles or high heels, so we do not allow children to wear such shoes in our school. Neither do we allow children to wear trainers (unless for medical reasons known to school and/or PE lessons) this is because we think that this footwear is appropriate for sport or leisure: but not in keeping with the smart appearance of a school uniform. We require all children to wear shoes as stated in the uniform list.