School Meals
The school has its own kitchen where high quality meals are prepared fresh each day.
Dinner money charges 2024/2025
​School Meals are £2.20 per day
School Meals are £11.00 per week​​
School meals will cost £2.20 per day from September 2020. All payments are to be made by the SIMS PAY Agora cashless system.
Weekly at a cost of £11.00 – payable every Monday in advance
In advance / monthly / half term / full term a charge forecast letter will be sent on request.
If you feel your child may be eligible for free school meals forms are available from the office. Water jugs are provided on each table so children do not need to bring their own drinks.
If you wish your child to bring sandwiches a form is available from the school office. All sandwich boxes must be secure and clearly labelled with your child's name. No cans or glass bottles are allowed for obvious safety reasons.
Lunchtime occurs from 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm for Lower School and 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm for Upper School.
The Head Teacher has overall charge and responsibility for the safety and welfare of your child during the lunch break, for discipline and for the organisation and conduct of the meal. The situation is under constant review because the lunch break, especially in bad weather, is probably the most taxing part of the school day. It is in your interest, therefore, to ensure the good behaviour of your child.
All lunchtime staff must be treated with courtesy and respect and any requests they make must be obeyed to ensure the smooth running of the lunch hour and the safety of all the children. In extreme circumstances the school reserves the right to exclude a child from the premises at lunch time if behaviour gives cause for concern.
Provision of Milk
Every child can have a carton of milk each day provided it is paid for. This is done on a termly basis and will cost £12.00 for the term. Payment is made using Agora Cashless System ONLY on a termly basis in advance on the first day of each term. No refunds can be given for any reason. The milk is drunk outside at playtime on the playground. Before placing your order please ensure that your child will drink the milk each day. There is no charge for pupils in receipt of free school meals.