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At Uplands we aim to provide the children with a curriculum which is broad, well balanced, stimulating and exciting. We wish to develop a passion and instil a lifetime love of reading. Reading is a fundamental skill that crosses over many subjects.

Making sure children become engaged with reading from the beginning is one of the most important ways to make a difference to their life chances. For this to happen, however, children need to learn to read as fluently as possible and be motivated to continue reading. Children who are good at reading do more of it: they learn more, know more and expand their vocabulary. We must ensure that those who find reading difficult are targeted and supported so that they can progress and access a full curriculum.


Quality of Education


Reading is prioritised to allow pupils to access the full curriculum. The programme of study meets the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014. While at Uplands we aim to provide opportunities for pupils to read widely across both fiction, non-fiction and poetry books to develop their knowledge of themselves and the world they live in. We want them to establish an appreciation and love of reading to gain knowledge across the curriculum and develop their comprehension skills. By the end of the Key Stage it is our intention that children enjoy reading, read fluently and are able to confidently discuss the texts they read.  Books are chosen to develop vocabulary, language comprehension and the enjoyment of reading. Children are also taught the natural link between reading widely and purposeful writing.


English lessons are taught on a daily basis with a joint focus on reading and writing. Book Talk occurs 4 times per week where the children practise their reading and their skills. Teachers vary their Book Talk groupings depending on the texts, the Gems (Domains) and the needs of the children. The children through a positive, inclusive and caring environment talk competently about the books using a range of Gems. (Domains) The teaching of reading provides opportunities for group work, mixed ability work, whole class teaching, independent work, peer assessment and self-assessment. Comprehension lessons happen once a week where again reading skills are developed. These reading skills are also further developed and encouraged across all the curriculum.


Children select books as home readers from a progressive Reading collection with a broad range of choice available. Children also have access to a well-stocked library and class book corners/reading shelves. With the consultation of our pupils, the stock of these is regularly updated.  The children have opportunities to read their books individually to their teachers and teaching assistants. Once completed the children do a reading journal activity based on our Gems. (Domains)


At Uplands when the children enter Year 3 we continue to develop their phonic knowledge in order to build upon what has been taught in their KS1 setting. We use the Ruth Miskin RWI scheme for the teaching of speed sounds and for 1:1 support supplemented by home readers that consolidate this knowledge. In September 2022 the whole staff of Uplands will receive further RWI training so that we can expand our phonic offer in response to the changing needs of our pupils


A range of curriculum enhancements in reading also occurs. This includes, Starbooks Reading Award, World Book Day, Authors in school, Roving Book Fairs, sponsored events, link with the Rotary ‘Books for home’ scheme, development of reading corners, use of our school library (children can borrow books), development of our reading shed (on the playground) and much more.


By implementing the intent, children should be confident in the following areas:


  • Reading a range of texts

  • Discussing and comprehending texts using our Reading Gems

  • Reading fluently

  • Applying knowledge and skills from an English lesson to other areas

  • Enjoying reading


As well as our day to day reading assessments, through-out the year children take part in a variety of reading tests. They complete NGRT11 reading tests and baseline, midline and end line Local Authority assessments. This process helps teachers target specific areas of reading. Reading fluency across the school also makes the teachers aware of children’s reading speed.

It is the role of the reading champion to ensure continuity and progression across the whole school in Reading in order to raise standards and outcomes for pupils. This is done through monitoring activities including book trawls, learning walks, pupil voice, coaching opportunities, year group moderation, data analysis and subsequent targeted support.


How to pronounce phonic sounds


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