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Urgent updates re Covid


Dear Parents/Carers,

As many of you may well be aware we currently have a high number of cases of covid 19 in our school community. This is impacting on pupils in all year groups as well as all sectors of staffing.

Public Health England have worked with school this afternoon and made the following recommendations which will be implemented for the next 2 weeks (wb 17th and 24th January)

-- all extra curricular clubs which involve mixing of classes inside the building will be suspended for 2 school weeks. This includes all extra tuition classes, BSL, gymnastics, dodgeball, computing and Cool Kids

--our school staff will reallocate dates for the above so that pupils do not miss sessions and where a club is run by an external provider such as Premier sports we are working again to re-schedule dates

--outside extra curricular clubs (Soccer 2000 football, tag rugby, multi sports and netball) will be able to continue

--PHE are recommending that all pupils in classes 4AS and 6LR take an LFT test over this weekend. In addition anyone living in a household where someone currently has covid 19 should take an LFT every day for 7 consecutive days

--there will be some modifications to the organisation within school and all year group mixing inside will be suspended for 2 weeks

--Toast Club and After School Club will continue to operate but with organisational modifications as it is recognised that this is an essential service for parents who are out at work

The safety of everyone in our community is of utmost importance to us and that is why we will follow every recommendation given to us. Your children will continue to be taught and experience a full school timetable with just some organisational changes to minimise mixing for a short period.

I know how much you have supported us over the last 22 months and am I sure you will continue to do so as we move through the next couple of weeks.

Please be aware that there are absences in all sectors of our staffing including the office so please be patient if you need to ring or email in.

Kind Regards

Suzanne Webster-Smith

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