PE- Physical Education
Quality of Education
We believe a high quality PE curriculum should be an integral part of the whole school Curriculum and one that staff, pupils and parents understand and can contribute to, which is why it is included in our School Development Plan, displayed on our school website and promoted throughout school.
Our school recognises the values that a high quality PE and school sport curriculum gives pupils.
It is our intention when teaching the PE curriculum we develop the enjoyment of physical activity and strive to improve the importance of health and wellbeing. Our intention is to give children the opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding and apply these in competitive situations, with the vision this provides them with lifelong learning skills. We strive to ensure that all our pupils receive a well-rounded learning experience when participating in different sporting activities, learning the importance of health and wellbeing and equipping them with the necessary values and tools to achieve in our school and beyond. It is our intention to engage pupils in the possibilities of sport to develop a passion for being active, healthy and the confidence to try new things and build resilience and determination with all they do.
We strive to provide high quality PE and sports teaching in both curriculum and after school clubs. We aim to ensure that within their own level of ability all children can achieve and experience success, thereby enabling them to reach their full potential.
We value the benefits of PE and sport to build children’s self-confidence, esteem and self-worth which is character building and essential for our pupil’s development.
Our school recognises the values that a high-quality PE and school sport curriculum gives pupils. Working together, we want to nurture personal talents, discover new ones and encourage everyone to be the best they can be.
When teaching the PE curriculum, we develop the enjoyment of physical activity and improve the importance of health and wellbeing (article 24 of the UNICEF Rights Respecting). We give children the opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding and apply these in competitive situations, this provides them with lifelong learning skills. We ensure that all our pupils receive a well-rounded learning experience when participating in different sporting activities, learning the importance of health and wellbeing and equipping them with the necessary values and tools to achieve in our school and beyond. We engage pupils in the possibilities of sport to develop a passion for being active, healthy and the confidence to try new things and build resilience and determination with all they do.
We endeavour to provide high quality PE and sports teaching in both curriculum and after school clubs. We aim to ensure that within their own level of ability all children can achieve and experience success, thereby enabling them to reach their full potential.
Children evaluate and reflect upon their own performance as well as the success of their peers and are also encouraged to set their own challenges in order to achieve a personal best. Teachers enable children to practise and perform in a range of styles such as individual, paired, group and whole class situations.
We value the benefits of PE and sport to build children’s self-confidence, esteem, self-worth and resilience which is character building and essential for our pupil’s development.
We strive to ensure that our pupil’s attainment is in line or exceeds their potential when we consider the varied starting points of all our children. Through our progressive skill based curriculum we are measuring the children’s ability, striving for them to meet their age-related expectations. At the end of each term, staff complete assessments of our children against set skills and age related expectations. This data is analysed by our PE and Sport Coordinator, who uses the information to acknowledge areas for development and groups of children who may need intervention or further encouragement. We also measure impact in end of year outcomes, attendance data, pupil and parent questionnaires, lesson observations and learning walks, staff survey and external opinions of our school.