From September 2014 the Government removed National Curriculum levels for all year groups. Schools are now free to decide how they assess children and to devise their own systems and processes. We now have an assessment system based around age related expectations as detailed in Curriculum 2014.
We use a system of "Entering", "Developing", "Secure" in relation to age related expectations in Reading, Writing and Maths. In addition, pupils may be assessed as "working at greater depth" within the expectations if they demonstrate a deep and broad understanding of the objectives. 'Assess and review' activities are planned as a part of daily learning and these are supported by Assessment weeks each term. Together, these inform Teacher Assessment judgements against 'ARE's'. Parents are informed of their child's attainment and progress at the termly open evening and next steps are discussed.
We have devised a system of target cards to support our assessment systems and these can be found at the front or rear of each child's book (For Reading, Writing and Maths). For your information these can also be found on our website under 'can be found under individual subject tabs'.
Assessment is in place for all other subjects across school. We use a consistent system of "Towards" At" and "Beyond" to measure attainment in these. Throughout the year there is on-going teacher assessment and this is then reported to parents each July as part of the annual report